A hub for innovation and community in Wilson, NC


Dedicated Desk

Dedicated Desk

Dedicated Desk membership allows you to have your own space in the company of other like-minded professionals. With this membership, you will have unlimited access to the Exchange coworking space and your dedicated desk space. Amenities include the mailroom and media rooms, options for a business phone line and 15 hours a month of conference room booking. While in the Gig East Exchange, you can enjoy the café and network during Exchange events.

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Why Choose a Dedicated Desk Membership?

Gig East Membership Icon Mail
Mail Services
Mail Services; Dedicated Desk Memberships can be customized to include mail and package handling services based on your company’s individual needs:

  • Mail/Package Handling and Forwarding
  • Private mailboxes for storage available upon request
  • Digital Mail Scanning & Delivery
Gig East Membership Icon Voicemail
Business Phone & Voicemail
With Greenlight community broadband at the core of the Gig East Exchange Dedicated Desk members can set up a business phone number with voicemail to integrate with their own mobile device.
Gig East Membership Icon Conference Room
Access to Conference Room

Dedicated Desk members have access to conference rooms for presentations and private meetings up to 15 hours per month.

Gig East Membership Icon Events
Invitation to Exchange Events
Networking is key to any business success and the Gig East Exchange will have many opportunities to facilitate virtual or small in person events.


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